As parents, we all want the best for our children. The best start you can give your new baby is to meet her needs consistently. Babies increase their trust in us when we respond to their needs, every time. Babywearing meets so many of your baby's needs, quite easily. Babies were born to be worn! Some of the benefits that are often mentioned include: Worn babies cry less
Research has shown that babies who are worn or carried for 3 hours a day (regardless of whether they "need" to be carried) are 43% less likely to fuss or cry than babies who were not carried as much. They were over 50% less likely to cry during the evening hours, which are often known as the "witching hours" for babies. Worn babies learn more Less crying means more time for learning! Worn babies spend more time in the "quiet alert" state, in which they are content and most able to learn from and interact with their environment, The baby can study his mother or father's face, increasing bonding, and also the world around them. Worn babies are more organized Babies need some extra time after they are born to develop their ability to regulate their systems. In the womb, they are in tune with the mother, and once they leave the womb, they benefit from being worn or carried by being close enough to hear or feel their mother's heartbeat, breathing, temperature, and movement. These rhythms continue to calm and regulate baby for months after birth. Worn babies are part of their world Babywearing helps the infant's brain to make healthy connections by ensuring the baby is exposed to and participating in the mother or father's chosen stimuli and is protected from overstimulation. The baby spends time in the caregiver's world (everyday chores and errands, outdoor adventures) and is learning every moment during this time. Worn babies also tend to have enhanced attention to and engagement in conversations, as they pick up the rhythms of human communication and learn to listen and to communicate pre-verbally and verbally. These are just some of the many reasons to wear your baby. Every baby and every family is different, and you will find many more of your own to add to this list! Source
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AuthorBeth. The babywearing lady. Archives
May 2017
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copyright 2016 Beth Secrist All photos used under the Creative Commons license through Flickr. Photography by: littletuesday12 |