Information about babywearing is available in many formats: general websites, online forums, video tutorials, local babywearing groups, and Facebook groups. Here is a sampling of my favorites!
General Websites:
Babywearing International - There are BWI chapters all over the United States. Their mission is “to promote babywearing as a universally accepted practice, through education and support.” There is a LOT of really great information on this site, including safety guidelines, research, and videos.
The Babywearer - This is one of the oldest babywearing websites. It has extensive forums where you can participate in discussions about babywearing as well as other parenting topics. There is a buy/sell/trade forum as well as a reviews section. This site does require registration with a username and password, but it is free and you will not receive spam.
The Babywearing Handbook - this newer site has great general information, carrier reviews, and wrapping videos.
Wrap You in Love - Lots of great, silent tutorials with written descriptions, though she has a couple videos that do not show the very best practices. Also includes reviews, galleries, and information about babywearing coats.
BWI of Peoria - has two monthly meetings open to all, and a lending library for members
BWI of Chambana - has two monthly meetings open to all, and a lending library for members
BWI of St Louis Gateway - has three monthly meetings open to all, and a lending library for members
BWI chapters - There is a listing of BWI-affiliated chapters at this link. Most chapters have lending libraries for members where you can borrow carriers to try them out.
Granola Babies - This retailer updates this list of BWI and independent groups regularly.