I offer a variety of services to suit your needs. I am flexible with location! I can meet you in your home or a different location of your choice, and I can meet you in my home in Jacksonville, Illinois. I will charge a travel fee for individual consults in your home if you live more than 15 miles from Jacksonville, Illinois.
All Bundled Up: (4 hours, over three sessions) This is a bundle of services for the caregiver who wants complete babywearing education and support. You will receive all of the content, demonstrations, and try on opportunities in one (2 hour) initial consultation, and two (1 hour) follow-up skill builder consultations and/or extended family education. You can also receive follow-up virtual support via Skype (up to 1 hour), phone, or email. If you book this service, I will waive any applicable travel fee for the follow-up consultations. (Includes pre-consult phone call or email, initial consultation, 2 skill builder consultations, post-consult phone/email/Skype support, and shopping assistance.)
Individual initial consultation: (90-120 minutes) Perfect for the expectant parent as part of your prenatal or adoption preparation, or for a new parent who is ready to start wearing a newborn or young infant. You and one other adult will receive education about safety, positioning, an overview of types of carriers, and hands-on instruction on how to use each type. You can expect to try on carriers (I'll bring them with me) and practice using them with a weighted doll as well as your own baby. We will work together to help you feel able to confidently use at least one type of carrier with your baby. (Includes pre-consult phone call or email, private consultation, post-consult phone/email support, and shopping assistance.)
Skill builder consultation: (60 minutes) Perfect for the current babywearer who wants to try out a new carrier or learn a new skill. You will receive hands-on instruction to help you refine your technique with your carrier, or learn to use a new carrier (from my collection) as your baby grows. (Includes pre-consult phone call or email, 1 hour private consultation, and post-consult phone and email support.)
Quick consultation: (20 minutes) We will troubleshoot any concerns you have with a carrier you already own, I can teach you a new carry, or we can go over another quick question you have. I will do these both individually and "speed-dating" style (scheduling several mini-consults back-to-back) in Jacksonville. In other locations, I will do these only "speed-dating" style, by setting up a Facebook event. Follow my Facebook page for announcements and more!
Registry consultation and shopping assistance: (minimum 60 minutes) Are you feeling overwhelmed with the choices available and want some help figuring out what and/or where to buy? I will provide you with guidance regarding your registry or where to buy a specific type of carrier (I love hunting for sales!). This service is included at no extra cost with the Total Package or the Individual Initial Consultation. Service can be in person or virtual (Skype or email).
Extended family education: (60 minutes) Your extended family and caregivers (up to 5 adults) will receive customized education and hands-on instruction to be sure that your family members or child care providers know how to safely and properly use a carrier or carriers you already own and know how to use. (Includes pre-consult phone call or email, 1 hour private group consultation, and post-consult phone and email support.)
Group classes: (60 minutes minimum) Designed for small established groups such as mothers' groups or baby play groups who wish to set up a class for their members or attendees. Class will include babywearing safety, benefits of babywearing, and types of carriers. Can be customized to include demonstration or hands-on instruction to meet the needs of your group. It is most beneficial if your attendees are all pregnant or have babies in similar stages (newborn, young infant, older infant).
Group presentations: Designed for larger audiences such as larger breastfeeding groups, baby expos, childcare professionals, health care professionals, store associates, and nonprofit organizations. Presentation can include babywearing safety, benefits of babywearing, and types of carriers, and can be customized depending on your group's needs.
If you choose to contract my services, I will send an intake questionnaire for you to complete ahead of time so that we can make the best use of our time together and be sure your consultation or class meets your needs.
all content copyright 2016 Beth Secrist All photos used under the Creative Commons license through Flickr. Photography by: littletuesday12, claudia, Miriam Pepper, seethefam, Keren Murphy, Nichole, Suzanne Shahar, Islas McGhee Family, cathredfern, PJ Souders, Vasile Cotovanu, Dan Kuhs/Orchard View Photography, Colter McCorkindale, and Kristi Hayes-Devlin